About Us
Mission & Values
The mission of the Hoffberger Family Philanthropies is to respond with available resources to unmet needs in the greater Baltimore community with a significant commitment to the Jewish community.
We are dedicated to working in ways that bring about positive change for individuals, neighborhoods, and communities through our philanthropy.
We embrace our obligation to assist those in need.
We demonstrate respect for humanity; seek to meet unmet needs in our community, and work to preserve the dignity of every individual.
Greater Baltimore is a diverse community whose residents are all interrelated and inter-reliant within a larger ecosystem. Therefore, we seek to build stronger relationships with and among members of the community to work together to build a more equitable and just society.
Guiding Principles
- We are driven by the dynamic interests and passions of the Hoffberger family whose legacy of service from our forebears continue to drive our philanthropic effort and whose foresight to establish a foundation strengthens the bonds that cross generations and family branches.
- We are committed to advancing a just, inclusive society where all forms of hate and discrimination, including antisemitism, are challenged. Building on our longstanding support of initiatives in the greater Baltimore area, we recognize the vital role of allyship and strive to cultivate mutual understanding and partnerships between Jewish and non-Jewish communities, encouraging and participating in learning, dialogue, and collaboration.
- We limit the focus of our giving to meet unmet but defined needs in the greater Baltimore community. We commit to funding specific areas of need and seek to stay the course long enough to see progress on community-defined results.
- We commit to ongoing learning about our philanthropic priorities and trust-based practices. We commit to sharing and educating others about lessons learned to advance the work of our community partners.
- We recognize the limitations of our own experience and perspective. Therefore, we actively seek and heed the counsel of community members and stakeholders as partners in our effort to impact the greater Baltimore community and the ecosystem within which we seek to make an impact as whole rather than just individual parts.
- We understand that private philanthropy alone has limited capacity and funds to address identified priorities. Therefore, we seek to leverage our support by also serving as a facilitator and collaborator with other funders and stakeholders such as public institutions as well as local, state, and federal agencies.
Who We Are
The Hoffberger Family Philanthropies encompasses two charitable organizations:
A 501(c)(3) charitable, grantmaking foundation whose board members are lineal descendants of Sarah and Charles Hoffberger.
The Hoffberger Family Fund, Inc.
A supporting foundation of The Associated administered by the Center for Funds and Foundations. Its board consists of members appointed by The Associated as well as members of the Hoffberger family.
Since 2021, the Foundation has focused on funding children’s mental health and trauma programs for families living in greater Baltimore, which is driven by a desire to help young people navigate violence within their communities. In partnership with the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) and our community partners, we are learning more about the impact of […]
Since 2021, the Foundation has focused on funding workforce development programs that support upward economic mobility for residents living in greater Baltimore. In partnership with the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) and our community partners, we have come to understand that workforce development programs that seem to work best include case management for its participants given […]